
Old £5 Notes

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Old £5 notes
Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying your weekend and have managed a “spring cleaning” job this week, got out in the garden and cut the grass, cleaned out a draw or cupboard.
JUST a few months ago the ‘new and improved’ five pound notes were released into circulation and we’ve now got just weeks to spend the old ones before they become worthless.
On May 5 2017 the old fashioned cotton paper notes will no longer be legal tender so you won’t be able to spend them.
Shops have now been told not to hand over old £5 notes as change to customers.
If you are offered one in a shop, try simply asking the assistant to swap it for a new note or coins if a new note isn’t available.

Get searching round the house, old purses, tins, boxes and when you go to visit the “old” relatives have a sneaky peak under the mattress……

Ear Ear
Never again do I want to experience loss of hearing!
Please click on the link above to take you to The Hearing Centre Colchester. Vicky Skeels and her team where so professional, obliging and caring. Never before have I experienced any hearing loss to that degree, I was not joking when I was saying I could not hear the music.
Tony loved it and im sure there was a lot of things I didn’t hear him say “would you like me to wash up dear” being one of them i’m sure.
I was more than happy to pay to have my ears “Hoovered” out, and what was it like I hear you all say. It was a strange experience but in no way painful, just a tickling, rushing noise. I pay for the dentist, I pay to have my eyes tested, so why not pay and have your ears checked.
Thank you Vicky Skeels xx
Talking of hoovers:
I need to get rid of my Vacuum Cleaner,
it’s just collecting Dust!
Stairs V Lift
Stair climbing is a unique form of exercise that can have a powerful and positive impact on your health over time.
While most of us think of exercise as ‘sport’, the scientific evidence shows it is everyday activities like walking and stair climbing that are most closely associated with improved health.
Stair climbing is recommended by doctors and health authorities worldwide because studies show


By raising our heart rate, stair climbing helps protect against high blood pressure, weight gain and clogged arteries. This lowers the risk of developing chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, vascular dementia and even some cancers.
Stair climbing also exercises our bones and muscles, improving strength, bone density and muscle tone. This is especially important for women in sedentary office jobs as they have a significantly higher osteoporosis risk than men.
Incidental physical activities like stair climbing are also associated with improved mental health. They cause our bodies to release endorphins, the so-called feel good hormones. They also provide time think and reflect – key factors in managing everyday stress and tensions.


Stair climbing delivers these benefits by improving our cardiovascular fitness. It’s officially classed as a ‘vigorous’ form exercise and burns more calories per minute than jogging. ….   Im off up stairs …..
What about the Lift
Walk to lift, press button, doors open, you step in, press button, lift moves and then stops, doors open, you step out!
  • How many calories did that journey burn off.
  • How hard did your heart work.
  • What satisfaction did you get from all that work pressing buttons…..
Julie x

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