
Move 2 Lose

Sharing is caring!

Hello Everyone

On the 6th day of Christmas my true love gave to me:
6 Geese a laying:
Geese are a group of species that fall under the umbrella of wildfowl birds – those that are medium or large in size, have a long neck, short broad bills, short legs and three toes at the front that are joined by webbing.
Goose eggs are safe to eat. However, according to the National Goose Council, most people find the flavour of goose eggs much stronger than hen or duck eggs, so they are not eggs of choice for consumption. More often, the shells of goose eggs are used for arts and crafts projects.


Snow in December, “it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”
When you are 3 years old (Lula) it can be very exciting when you are 21 (me) it’s just magical until it starts to melt into a black slush.
It has been a very cold week and as much as I am missing seeing you all in class it would be very cold with the doors and windows open!
ON – Line
Here we go again you say….the conservatory took a little longer than planned but we are getting there.
Ears, roll on Tuesday and hopefully I will be “back to normal” what ever that is!

Plan and Prepare

We can plan and prepare as much as we can but there will always be that Christmas card we forgot to post, that present we forgot to buy. This year more than any other year Christmas should be about telling your family, friends and loved ones how much they mean to you.
All the money in the world, the dearest present or the biggest box under the tree will never keep you well and safe, you are in charge of that.


Please be Scam aware.
This week I had a mobile phone message from HMRC telling me that I was being investigated for fraud and could I log onto a web page……
I also had a land line call saying I had been in a car accident.
A call from BT saying my internet was not working and would I log on while he was on the phone.
I had an email from DPD saying that I was not in when they tried to deliver a parcel and to log on to pay to have it re-delivered. This is a new scam that is being circulated at the moment….be careful.
Amazon call on a regular basis asking to update our account.
In a nut shell, do NOT give your date of birth, your full name or your address over the phone. Do NOT click on any links from an email, ask yourself is it genuine? Do NOT give your bank details to anyone.
The best bit of advice I can give if you receive any of these is “keep clam” do not react quickly, think and think again could this be- is this genuine.

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